Description and reason:
You have tried to log in too many times.


Try logging into your account a little later. Usually, this error goes away in about an hour!

Detailed description:

The "PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD" error in Telegram occurs when a user makes too many login attempts, leading to an automatic block on further login attempts. This error is associated with the Telegram API, which has built-in mechanisms to protect against abuse, such as multiple login attempts, ensuring user account security.

Telegram is vigilant about security and works to prevent possible account attacks, such as password guessing. When the system detects numerous login attempts within a short period, it triggers a protection mechanism, temporarily blocking further attempts. This prevents account hacking but may also cause inconvenience for legitimate users.

Causes of the "PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD" error:

1. Multiple incorrect password entries.

2. Excessive login attempts within a short time frame.

3. Telegram API’s security measures, which block the user during suspicious activity to prevent automated account cracking attempts.

Solution for the "PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD" error:

1. Wait for a while. This error usually resolves itself within an hour. After that, you can try logging in again.

2. Avoid frequent login attempts. It is recommended not to attempt to log in repeatedly within a short period to prevent triggering the security mechanism.

The "PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD" error can be frustrating, but it serves as a crucial security feature of Telegram designed to protect your account from potential threats. To avoid encountering this error again, make sure to enter the correct credentials and avoid excessive login attempts.