Non-Latin and non-Cyrillic text converter with emoji

Sending a message to Telegram is an integral part of high-quality promotion. Sometimes we want our regular message to stand out from the others. To do this, Telegram came up with and implemented the ability to send special emoticons (emoji) in your message!

However, adding emoticons to the mailing text in the Telegram-Spam-Master program may seem difficult to you due to the peculiarities of the program development! 

In this case, "Text Converter with emoji" will come to your aid.

With this tool, you can easily generate your text with emoticons in such a way that they can be used in the Telegram-Spam-Master program!

All you need is a few simple steps:

  1. In the Telegram application, we come up with a text that we will send out;
  2. We decorate our text with emoticons ;
  3. We copy the invented text into the field " Your text with emoji ";
  4. Press the " Convert Text " button;
  5. We copy the received text from the field " New text that you can use in the Telegram-Spam-Master program ";
  6. Paste the copied text into the field in the Telegram-Spam-Master program

As a result, you will receive a text in which the emoticons you specified will be replaced by characters like \xf ! It's not worth worrying about! These are special characters that the program will automatically replace with emoji!