

Description and reason:
You were unable to join the group, but you successfully submitted your application to join!


You have applied to join a group or subscribe to a channel. Now you need to wait for the administrator to approve it!

Detailed description:

The "INVITE_REQUEST_SENT" error in Telegram occurs when you attempt to join a private group or channel where access is restricted by an administrator. In such cases, your request to join is successfully sent, but joining the group is only possible after approval by an administrator. The Telegram API records these requests, allowing the administrator to approve or deny the membership request.

This error may occur when using automated Telegram management programs that attempt to join a group without accounting for access settings. These features are particularly useful for administrators of private groups, as they allow restricted access to the channel or group, maintaining privacy and protecting the community from unauthorized members.

Causes of the "INVITE_REQUEST_SENT" error:

1. Attempting to join a restricted group or channel where admin approval is required.

2. Using an automation program for mass group joining, where access settings require admin confirmation.

Solution for the "INVITE_REQUEST_SENT" error:

1. Wait for administrator approval of your request. Requests are processed by the group or channel administrators, and you can join the community upon approval.

2. If your automated Telegram program has a feature to track request status, enable it to receive notifications about your request outcome.

The "INVITE_REQUEST_SENT" error helps maintain security and privacy in Telegram by limiting access to private groups and channels. To avoid unexpected declines when using automation, check the group's access status before submitting a join request.