Username is invalid error

Description and reason:
Username is invalid


There is no user with this username! You can't send messages to someone who isn't there!

Detailed description:

The "Username is invalid" error in Telegram indicates that the provided username is invalid. This means that no account with such a username exists in the system. There can be multiple reasons for this: a typo in the username, the account may have been deleted or banned, or the username might have never been registered in Telegram.

The Telegram API ensures the accuracy of the provided data, and if you attempt to send a message or perform any action with an invalid username, the system will trigger the "Username is invalid" error. This error often occurs when using automation tools for sending messages or invites, where one incorrect username can disrupt the entire process.

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Reasons for the "Username is invalid" error:

1. Typo in the username.

2. The account associated with the username has been deleted or banned.

3. The username has never been registered in Telegram.

Solution for the "Username is invalid" error:

If you encounter this error, the first step is to double-check the username for any typos. Ensure that the username is entered correctly, without any errors and in the correct format (for example, no spaces or special characters). If the username is correct but the error persists, it means that the account no longer exists in the system. You won’t be able to send a message or perform any actions with a non-existent user.

To resolve this, remove the invalid username from the recipient list and verify the accuracy of other usernames you're interacting with.